At Lamplighter Preschool and in accordance with the Ministry of Educations, “How Does Learning Happen, Ontario’s Pedagogy for the Early Years”, CHILDREN should experience a place where they feel they BELONG, where they can develop a sense of WELL BEING, where they are ENGAGED in learning experiences and where they can EXPRESS themselves. We understand that children are competent, complex thinkers, curious and rich in potential.

Their FAMILIES also deserve a place where they feel they belong, are respected, valued and can contribute to their child’s learning environment.
Our EDUCATORS are also competent, knowledgeable and capable of providing an abundance of experiences. Through workshops, seminars and trainings, these opportunities allow our Educators to expand on their professional development.

Lamplighter will strive to provide a healthy and safe environment that supports positive and meaningful interactions among all who attend. This includes the children, their families, our Educators and the Support Staff and those community members (Resource Teachers, special visitors like the Fire Dept etc.) that visit.

Planning engaging, positive learning experiences (both child-initiated and adult-supported) during indoor and outdoor play; encourages children’s curiosity, exploration and communication. Children learn to express themselves, self-regulate (to deal with stressors and recover) and problem solve.

Being attuned to the individual needs of the children; incorporating both active and quiet play, and rest, fosters the child’s well-being. This also includes providing healthy meals and snacks.

Supporting open and friendly communication between families and staff, including Resource Teachers or other local partners, promotes a continuous positive relationship about our program.

We consider the children, their families, our Educators and the community, are life-long learners and are capable of contributing to the needs of the children and their environment.

Lamplighter’s Program Statement and its impact and strategies will be reviewed by staff and Board and updated as needed to reflect any changes in the Early Childhood field and/or from requirements of the Ministry of Education.

The activity program at Lamplighter Preschool is developed with all skill levels in mind, according to the trainings of Early Childhood Education and the requirements of the Child Care and Early Years Act. We re-evaluate our program regularly to reflect any changes within these organizations.
We focus on developmental skills such as: fine and gross motor; cognitive knowledge; self- help skills; language development; and social skills.

This includes such activities to enhance hand-eye coordination, pencil/scissor grasp, finger plays, bounce and catch games, crawling, running, climbing, hopping, ABC’s/123’s, shapes, colours, sorting and matching.

We focus on speech and language and help them to verbalize their needs, express them self, and label objects. We also help with making choices, showing feelings for others, sharing and cooperating. We offer opportunities to let them use their imagination and to pretend. We encourage self-help skills with toileting, dressing and using utensils.

When the children grow with knowledge and skill……….we grow with pride!